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We want the profiles of our Somali graduates

If you have graduated with Diploma and above recently and you haven’t been profiled before in the Somali Graduate Journal, we would like to receive your profile. Your profile will be published in the next Somali Graduate Journal and/or put online.

The purpose of the Journal is to celebrate the educational successes of our community and promote a greater understanding of the progress, activities and contributions made by Somali graduates in New Zealand and to encourage our community to embrace education.

Submitting your profile

Please provide with your profile a professionally taken photograph of yourself (preferably in academic regalia) or set the camera being used on the highest resolution.

For enquiries or further information please feel free to contact the editor, email:
Get Involved: want to submit an article to go in the journal?

We welcome our Somali students/graduates/professionals/community leaders to submit an article promoting education or contributing to our community development/wellbeing or even sharing your own experiences in your country of residence.  Please note your article should not exceed one full page.

Please email your completed form to:
Here you can download the profile form .


Please provide your education information (requests for additional information may be made prior to publication) by completing the form below.

Thank you for your contribution