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Somali Graduate Journal #9

Posted by on Oct 3, 2024 in Latest News | Comments Off on Somali Graduate Journal #9

The 9th edition of the Somali Graduate Journal is out now. You can read it here or let us know if you need a hard copy. 28 graduates across New Zealand are profiled in this 9th publication alongside other...

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Somali Graduate Journal #8

Posted by on May 24, 2021 in Latest News | Comments Off on Somali Graduate Journal #8

The 8th edition of the Somali Graduate Journal is out now. You can read it here or let us know if you need a hard copy. This edition like the previous ones is full of inspiring stories by our Somali graduates...

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Somali Graduate Journal #7

Posted by on Dec 24, 2017 in Latest News | 0 comments

I continue to admire our Somali graduates in New Zealand for their relentless...

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First Somali medical graduate in New Zealand

Posted by on Sep 1, 2015 in Articles | 13 comments

Somali graduates are found in most fields of study but Mona Adam is the first...

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Somali Graduate Journal #6

Posted by on Sep 1, 2015 in Upcoming Events | 0 comments

The 6th edition of the Somali Graduate Journal is out now. You can read it...

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Special achievement

Posted by on Sep 10, 2015 in Articles | 0 comments

Success does not stop at the graduation or getting a job. Many of our graduates...

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Celebration of the Somali Graduate Journal

Posted by on Nov 7, 2013 in Latest Events | 3 comments

Each year when the Somali Graduate Journal is published, the Somali community...

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Unlocking your potential

Posted by on Nov 7, 2013 in Latest News | 0 comments

Ask yourself: what do I enjoy doing the most? This simple yet important...

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